Monday, April 14, 2014

Umno to train 500 speakers to explain GST

12 April 2014| last updated at 10:28PM

PONTIAN: A total of 500 speakers will be trained to explain the Goods and Services Tax (GST), especially to villagers.

Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the training session would be held for three days, beginning April 18, and would be attended by the best speakers from each of the 165 parlimentary areas in peninsula Malaysia.

"I will personally be involved in the training session. We will provide comprehensive information and materials on GST, such as multimedia shows which will be used in the explanation sessions later," he said.

Ahmad, who is also deputy finance minister, was speaking to reporters today, after opening a book festival, 'Kuala Lumpur International Book Festival Tour' at the Mara Junior Science College Air Balor here.

He said for Sabah and Sarawak, the training session, which was Umno's initiative, would be held at another date.

He said the GST explanation sessions were expected to start in May, for two to four months, to ensure the people, especially those from the grassroots know what GST was and its implementation.

GST, which is set to be enforced on April 1, next year, will replace the Sales and Services Tax. -- BERNAMA

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