Friday, April 11, 2014

My EG Services not appointed to collect GST, says Customs chief – Bernama

APRIL 10, 2014

The government did not appoint MY EG Services to collect the goods and services tax (GST) on its behalf, Customs director-general Datuk Seri Khazali Ahmad said today.

He said the Finance Ministry had authorised My EG Services to carry out a project, an online method to monitor sales data (sale invoice/receipt) or Customs Online Service Tax Reporting (COSTR).

The explanation was made following calls by Pokok Sena MP Mahfoz Omar on Tuesday that the government reveal the agreement made with My EG Services or the company to implement COSTR or Electronic Monitoring System (EMS).

Via the system to be developed, Khazali said the sales data would be electronically recorded from the point of sales at the teller machine and sent electronically to the EMS server in real time to the Customs data centre.

"The system will be applicable to the service sector involving restaurant operators, bars, snack bars, coffee houses (outside of hotels and night club operators), dance halls/cabarets, health centres, massage parlours, public houses, public house class one and beer house class one," he said in a statement.

Khazali said, based on the terms and conditions of the project, My EG Services would only be paid if the company could prove the users of the system developed had succeeded in generating an increase in revenue from the sectors concerned exceeding 14% of the revenue recorded in the previous year.

"The company will not receive any payment if the increase in revenue collected is less than 14%," he clarified.

He said the project also did not involve any cost to the government and service tax licencees for the sectors for its development because the costs involved were fully borne by the company. – Bernama, April 10, 2014.

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