Tuesday, April 22, 2014

MRCA explores ways to improve retail industry and aims to be ahead of the times

Published: Thursday April 17, 2014 MYT 12:00:00 AM 
Updated: Thursday April 17, 2014 MYT 12:26:09 PM
From the retail industry: (From left) Kwok, Liaw, Khoo and Tay at the
press conference to announce MRCA’s 19 newly elected council members .
THE Malaysia Retail Chain Association (MRCA) has announced its 19 newly elected council members for the 2014 to 2016 term.

Leading the new council is Datuk Liaw Choon Liang, who succeeds Datuk Nelson Kwok Teng Toong in the role of president.

Kwok remains on the council as the immediate past president.

With Liaw at the helm, MRCA looks to focus on a few key areas, including improvement training for members, promoting healthy expansion for the industry, embarking on CSR projects and fostering good rapport among members.

“In line with our ‘Keeping an Eye on the Future’ theme, we will work towards being one step ahead of the times and to explore even more exciting and profitable ways for the retail industry,” said Liaw, who is also Focus Point Holdings Berhad president/CEO.

MRCA will facilitate programmes and activities for its members to assist in leveraging established brand and business models into franchise and overseas business opportunities.

The association will also observe and address trends and challenges met by the retail industry, with the current focus being the GST implementation.

“At this point, we are working towards getting our retail members prepared for GST, more so with non-food retailers as the F&B segment are less affected in general.

“So far, there are less than 10% of retailers that are ready to meet the effects,” said Kwok.

Kwok also added that the MRCA would continue to highlight concerns behind the GST in hopes of keeping the rate at a minimum.

On top of that, the association will further expand its social responsibility efforts through its charity arm, MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation, and engage more charitable and educational institutes through various activities.

Under Liaw’s guidance, MRCA is also determined to strengthen its membership by increasing new members, expanding its current 250 to 300 members during the term.

“Our doors are always open for chain store retailers aspiring join us in enhancing the country’s retail and franchise scene on both the local and global scale,” said Liaw.

The installation of its new council members will be held at The Majestic Hotel Kuala Lumpur today. It will be attended by Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism Minister Datuk Hasan Malek.

The swearing-in ceremony and banquet will host some 750 guests from parties of various retail sectors, shopping mall management bodies, developers as well as retail-related industries and financial institutions.

Joining Liaw in the council are deputy president Valerie Choo Yoke Shiem, vice presidents Datuk Garry Chua Kah Seng, Datuk Dr KK Chai, S. Y. Cheah, secretary-general Shirley Tay, treasurer general Datuk Henry Yip Choong Hung, deputy secretary-general Datuk Bruce Lim Aun Choong and 10 council members.

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