Wednesday, November 20, 2013

GST: Kedah factories, businesses told to register with Customs Dept

19 November 2013| last updated at 07:50PM
By Zahratulhayat Mat Arif 

ALOR STAR: Custom Senior Assistant Director Abdul Halim Ramli called on more than 5,000 factories and business operators in Kedah to register with the Customs Department in preparation of the enforcement of the Goods and Services Tax (GST).

Abdul Halim said the registration would be opened six months before the implementation of the enforcement.

"All factories and business operators in the state are urged to register via online or submit the registration form to the department beginning Oct 1 next year.

"Those who failed to register will be fined up to RM50,000 and three-year imprisonment or both," he said after a briefing session on GST issue with some 200 civil servants at Information Department in Kuala Kedah here today.

Present was state Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism deputy director Khalid Tik.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak when tabling Budget 2014 in the Dewan Rakyat on October 25, announced the implementation of a six per cent GST on Apr 1, 2015 to replace the sales and services taxes amounting to 16 per cent.

Abdul Halim said the department was prepared in terms of manpower, information technology and infrastructure to implement GST in April 2015.

"We will organise more workshops, seminars, courses and briefing sessions to explain the GST and its implementation to ensure a smooth and orderly process," he added.

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