Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Kerajaan disyor struktur semula cukai

ARKIB : 05/10/2010

KUALA LUMPUR 4 Okt. - Institut Percukaian Malaysia (CTIM) mengesyorkan kepada kerajaan supaya menstruktur semula sistem percukaian negara bagi merancakkan lagi ekonomi negara.

CTIM mencadangkan kerajaan menurunkan cukai korporat kepada 20 peratus berbanding 25 peratus ketika ini selain mengharapkan cukai pendapatan turut diturunkan bagi menggalakkan perbelanjaan.

Bagaimanapun, Presidennya, Khoo Chin Guan berkata, penurunan itu perlu dilakukan secara berperingkat-peringkat agar tidak menjejaskan kutipan cukai kerajaan yang boleh memberi kesan terhadap usaha pengurangan defisit negara.

"Sedikit penurunan (cukai korporat) akan memberi kesan dan persepsi positif kepada pelabur.

"Penstrukturan cukai korporat dan cukai persendirian itu boleh diselaraskan dengan pelaksanaan Cukai Barangan dan Perkhidmatan (GST)," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian semasa sidang akhbar bagi menyampaikan memorendum oleh CTIM kepada kerajaan mengenai Bajet 2011 yang akan dibentangkan pada 15 Oktober ini.

Chin Guan berkata, pelaksanaan GST boleh mengimbangi pendapatan kerajaan yang berkurangan berikutan penurunan kadar kedua-dua cukai tersebut.

"Sebaik-baiknya kerajaan perlu meletakkan satu tempoh bagi pelaksanaannya (GST) supaya peniaga dan pengguna mengetahui kebaikannya dan melakukan persediaan bagi menghadapinya.

"Ia bagi mengelakkan pelaksanaannya dilakukan secara mengejut di mana GST terpaksa dibatalkan kerana masyarakat tidak bersedia menghadapinya," ujar beliau.

Bagi Chin Guan, GST adalah lebih efisien kerana orang ramai lebih jelas terhadap cukai yang dikenakan melalui resit pembayaran.

Antara perkara lain yang turut dicadangkan oleh institut tersebut ialah pengecualian cukai terhadap penggunaan prasarana seperti pusat membeli-belah dan pusat konvensyen.

Kata Chin Guan, kesemua cadangan itu dilihat daripada perspektif sistem percukaian bagi menyediakan persekitaran yang menarik kepada pelabur serta tidak menjejaskan rakyat.

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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Merenung belanjawan kali ini

ARKIB : 02/10/2010

PERNAHKAH sesiapa yang bertanggungjawab mengalihkan buat sementara terminal bas dari Puduraya ke Bukit Jalil melihat keadaan di sana? Terutama sekali apabila hari hujan lebat?

Mungkin mereka ini tiada saudara yang perlu mengambil bas ekspres ke selatan. Keadaan di terminal bas Bukit Jalil ini memang menyedihkan. Memanglah kita difahamkan tempat itu hanya sementara sebelum berpindah ke Bandar Tasik Selatan.

Tetapi sudah berapa lama pengguna bas itu terpaksa menggunakan tempat itu sejak diubah suai Puduraya. Kini kita diberitahu Puduraya tak boleh siap dalam jangka masa yang dijangkakan dulu kerana asas bangunan tidak kuat.

Suatu pagi saya terpaksa menghantar saudara saya dengan anak-anaknya ke terminal bas tersebut. Ini berlaku semasa Hari Raya Puasa baru-baru ini untuk menaiki bas pukul 8.45 pagi ke Johor Bahru.

Sampai di Bukit Jalil hujan terlalu lebat. Kita memang tidak diberi masuk ke tempat bas yang jauh daripada tepi jalan. Keadaannya memanglah menyedihkan. Walaupun ada payung tetapi dengan hujan lebat kita akan basah kuyup. Di tempat menunggu bas, tempat duduk pun tak ada.

Kita tidak tahu bilakah terminal bas yang tetap akan bermula operasi di Bandar Tasek Selatan tetapi sesuatu yang lebih baik patut diadakan di Bukit Jalil sekarang kerana ramai di kalangan rakyat yang menggunakan khidmat bas untuk perjalanan jarak jauh.

Selepas program transformasi ekonomi, satu lagi acara penting yang bakal menerima perhatian awam ialah belanjawan 2011. Belanjawan kali ini bakal melihat pengurangan defisit daripada 5.6 peratus Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK).

Ada beberapa isu yang akan diberikan perhatian dalam belanjawan kali. Pertama kemungkinan pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang akan lebih perlahan, seperti yang disarankan oleh Ketua Eksekutif Institut Strategik dan Kajian Antarabangsa (Isis) Malaysia, Datuk Dr. Mahani Zainal Abidin baru-baru ini.

Ini bererti pertumbuhan ekonomi kita pun mungkin rendah sedikit sekitar 5 ke 6 peratus. Kemudian soal mengurangkan defisit bermakna mengurangkan belanja, kalau tidak macam mana hendak turunkan defisit.

Sasaran yang kita diberitahu ialah sekitar 3.5 peratus KDNK. Ini bermakna perbelanjaan operasi akan dipotong daripada jumlah sebelumnya atau adalah bahagian-bahagian pembangunan yang juga kena potong.

Saranan Salleh: Pondering the coming budget

ARKIB : 02/10/2010

Have anyone responsible for shifting the bus terminal at Puduraya temporarily to Bukit Jalil look at the condition there, especially when there’s a downpour?

Perhaps, they have no relatives who might have to take an express bus to the south. The condition at the bus terminal at Bukit Jalil is very pathetic. Of course, we are made to understand that it is only temporary before its shift to Bandar Tasik Selatan.

But, for how do these express bus passengers have to bear such a condition. Now, we are told that renovation work at Puduraya could not be completed within the stipulated period because the building foundation is not strong.

One morning, I had to send a relative and his children to the bus terminal to board a 4.45am bus to Johor Bahru. This happened during the recent Aidilfitri.

On arriving at Bukit jalil, it was raining heavily. We were not allowed to drive in to the bus area which is far from the main road. The situation there is real pathetic. Despite having an umbrella, we were soaked to the skin because of the downpour. At the waiting area, there is no seat.

We don’t know when the permanent terminal at Bandar Tasik Selatan is going to be operational, but something has to be done to improve the condition at Bukit Jalil because many people rely on the express bus service for distance travelling.

After the economic transformation programme, another important event that will receive public attention is the 2011 budget. This budget will see the deficit reduced from 5.6 per cent of the gross Domestic Product (GDP).

There are several issues that will be given attention to in this budget. First, the possibility of a slower global economic growth, as suggested by Chief Executive of the Malaysian Institute of Strategic and International Studies (Isis) Datuk Dr. Mahani Zainal Abidin recently.

This means our economic growth will probably be slightly lower, at five to six per cent. Then the question of reducing deficit, meaning reducing expenditure. Otherwise how can the deficit be reduced.

We are told the target is around 3.5 per cent of the GDP. This means that operating expenditures will be reduced or certain parts of developments will also be deductible.

Secondly, the government should expand its tax collection if it wants to increase revenue. If the general service tax is introduced, only about RM4 billion can be collected, but the objection to the goods and service tax (GST) may not yet subside.

Thirdly, subsidy. The subsidy is a very sensitive matter. When someone who is used to be given subsidy, it will not be easy to take it away from him. Even if the oil price increases by 5 sen a litre, there are various complaints we heard.

The public opinion from studies conducted showed many agreed for the subsidy to be withdrawn gradually. The opposition parties would be against any move to withdraw the subsidy because to them, the leak and leakages in government spending, totaling billions of ringgit, as revealed by the Auditor-general .

The basis for the subsidy withdrawal is that those who are not eligible to receive the subsidy, including companies, should not be given subsidy, such as energy and water. Subsidy should be given to those who cant afford to meet the increase in living costs.

A subsidy which is clearly a wastage should be stopped because there are also people who tried to make a profit from the subsidy they received.

It is indeed difficult to confirm the needs of departments, divisions and ministries because the process of preparing the budget is tedious and takes time.

The Treasury has the final say on the requests by departments, divisions and ministries have to be subjected to bigger and more important needs, such as based on a theme, wise spending.

Among the area to be given attention to is training to enhance the skill of the workforce, including in technical and vocational fields.

We may see efforts by Talent Corporation, referred to in the Tenth Malaysia Plan, to attract Malaysians working abroad. Incentives and other facilities may allocated in this budget as a start.

Although the strengthening of the ringgit can help reduce allocation for imported goods, currencies are seldom used as a tool for the sole purpose of improving economic growth because at the same time, our expects may decline because or local products become more expensive.

An industry which is prepared to push a higher value chain may likely be encouraged because we need a change in the industry, from one which requires less skilled workers to skilled workers and from a low technology industry to a high-technology industry.

Our own private sector will generate growth to increase the country’s income to a higher level. If they are not willing to change their position to a more knowledge-based and high technology, we may not be able to achieve what we desire.

DATO’ SALLEH MAJID is former President of Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (now Bursa Malaysia)

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